At the December session of the legislature, McMahon asked Onondaga County legislators for another $11 million more for the aquarium. Republicans delayed the vote on this item and removed it from the agenda. But it was reported that it would be back at their February or March session in 2025.

I attended this meeting and made the follow public comment:

Good afternoon, my name is Elaine Denton and I have been before the legislature time and time again warning that the county executive will be back for more taxpayer dollars. And here we are.

I have been following the costs of this aquarium closely and the county has spent $46 million to vendors, purchase orders and requisitions as of September 2024. Over 50% of the original so-called budget of the aquarium and this does not include the actual bid to construct the aquarium. Add the $57.4 million dollars for the latest construction bid and you are now over $100 million dollars. 

Spending over $100 million dollars on an aquarium, when we have the highest rates of child poverty in the nation and homelessness has increased in Central New York every year since the pandemic. Wasting time and resources on this very expensive vanity project when people need services and help is wrong. 

Vote no on this resolution of $11 million dollars. The county executive cannot sign the final construction contracts without this additional taxpayer money. Do not give it to him. It’s not too late to shift. Use the funds that have not been spent yet to build public housing for families! Let’s turn this net negative project into something that helps our community. Let’s build something that Onondaga county residents actually need.  

Thank you. 

Elaine Denton